A note to our Mum's this Mother's Day

Rosie Cupitt (Mum Mavis) 

My mother was proud of her achievements in life, and so she should be. She lived during the war and economic hardship, so she accepted life as it was. Her family was her rock, and they supported each other unconditionally, which helped maintain a positive approach. 

Mavis Meade was a pioneer of early radio and, at 16, was an announcer on 4CA in Cairns, FNQ. She was picked out of the office staff as her voice was good, her English was” proper”, and she presented as a capable young woman. During the war, she sent coded messages on the airwaves to the forces during the Coral Sea battles, and her family was one of the few left behind when most of Cairns was evacuated as Mavis was deemed essential to the services on the ground. She was given the crown of Miss Empire at a beauty pageant during the war, so her looks helped her to present herself well. 

Her stories of this time are fascinating, even though she suffered heartbreak when her fiancée told her she couldn't marry her. She had followed him to NSW to be married after the war and could only get a position in the country as a female announcer so she travelled to Sydney from Goulburn every weekend to see Archie. She maintained contact with Arch until his death and was remembered by him in his will, such was their friendship. Luckily for us all, she met and married my darling Papa!

My mother always worked hard and continued her radio career at 2GN Goulburn and 2VM Moree until she changed her profession to act as a private secretary in a law firm, and became one of the best legal clerks at the Moree firm and then at a law firm in Bowral. The Bowral firm wanted her to gain formal qualifications, but she was happy to do her job without the “letters”. At the same time, she and my father also ran a florist/nursery in Bowral, with Mum doing the flower orders during her lunch hours. She was an absolute green thumb and I attribute my passion for horticulture to her, which led me to study horticulture. My sister is also in the industry and, with her husband, has run a successful nursery in the Highlands since 1977. 

I have been inspired by her “ can do” attitude so I’m sure that’s why I took myself to uni as a mature student to learn Winemaking, to the amusement of my family, or maybe they weren’t surprised to see me jump into this new career because….”I quite like a drink”!  

She has been a wonderful loving grandmother to our children spoiling them in any way possible. Her cooking was legendary, as were both my grandmothers’, so I guess their love and tradition with food has been an inspiration to me. I’m sure that influenced the birth of Cupitt's restaurant. 

We’ve always loved sharing food with family and friends and the conviviality of that experience, so now we have more tables for many more people to share!

On reflection, Mavis you just might be the inspiration for Cupitts! 

Wally Cupitt (Winemaker, Mother Rosie)

I honestly don’t know where to start when talking about Rosie. She’s been a definitive force in my life and has given me my passion and wine-making career, which I am forever grateful for. We have an unusual situation in that we see each other almost every day at work, which I have to say is not a natural thing as an adult. But I suppose the fact that our relationship is still strong through these years is a testament to the connection and loving influence she has on her kids and now Grandkids, with whom she is affectionately known as ‘Good Times Grandma’.

Tom Cupitt - General Manager, Son of Rosie

As Mother's Day rolls around, we tip our hats (and wine glasses) to the formidable woman who started it all at Cupitt's Winery, our beloved matriarch and visionary, Mum. I remember the early days when we were planting the first vineyards and discussing plans for small cellar doors and kitchens, and I can't believe how it has evolved over time. We owe everything we are to her vision, her passion, and her drive to create a place where people can come together over good food and wine.

For those who know her, it's no surprise that many of our fondest memories of Mum revolve around the pleasures of the table. She has always been the heart and soul of our kitchen, inspiring us to create delicious meals and unforgettable experiences for our guests.

We are grateful for her endless dedication and hard work and for the legacy she has created for us all. Happy Mohter's day mum, may your legacy live on for generations to come.

Clare James (EventsManager, mum Cate)

It wasn’t until I moved away from home that I truly understood how much my mum had done for me for all those years growing up. She not only shaped me into the woman I have become today, but she is also one of my biggest supporters, for which I will be forever grateful. I am proud of my mum for her dedication, loyalty and the endless love she has for our family. She never gives up, always has a smile on her face and is ready to pick up any time I call or pop in for a quick visit.Recently she became a grandma to my nephew Ollie; we get to watch her ‘mother’ all over again from the very start! It reminds me of exactly how great my childhood was and still is by having her in our corner. I am lucky to call her my mum! She has embarrassingly bad jokes that only she laughs at and calls me every time she needs help with technology, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Love you mum!

Libby Cupitt (Mum Jan)

"When someone asks you where you come from, the answer is your mother," Anna Quindlen. And in my case, it's not just where I come from, but who I am today - thanks to my incredible mum.

Growing up as the third child in a household of two full-time working parents was chaotic. But my mum was a superhero, juggling her career and motherhood with grace and kindness. She taught me the value of compassion and giving, always going out of her way to help others in any way she could.

But my favourite thing about my mum was her hosting skills. Our home was always bustling with friends, family, and even strangers dropping by for drinks, BBQs, and parties. And Mum was always the perfect host, ensuring everyone felt welcome and comfortable.

I loved playing bartender and cheese platter extraordinaire at these gatherings, and it's no surprise that I ended up in the hospitality industry. My mum taught me true hospitality is about making others feel cared for and valued, and I strive to bring that same spirit of generosity at Cupitt’s every day.

This year, I can't wait to have a little party with my mum again and celebrate all the lessons she's taught me. As Anna Quindlen said, where we come from is our mother - and I'm proud to come from such an amazing one.

Mel Louth (People and Culture Manager, mum Sue)

Growing up it was just mum and I from year 4 and she’s always been my biggest supporter. I now understand as a mother what she gave up so that I could have enough. She’s a pretty wonderful lady and I’m lucky to have her as my mum. She lives in her little Nana abode in our backyard so she’s always available for a kid drop-off and she can’t wait to teach the kids to drive over the coming years. Lucky her!

Mum’s had to navigate some health issues over the past year and she’s done so with grace and fortitude, two things she has in spades. Happy Mother’s Day mum!

Zach Milne (Marketing Manager, Mum Donna)

Throughout my younger years, it was just my Mum and me. As a single mother, she worked tirelessly to provide for us and ensure I lacked nothing, showering me with love all the while. I owe much of who I am today to her. She’s been my guide through life, teaching me invaluable lessons in empathy, the thrill of adventure, and the boundless power of imagination.

As I grow older, I’m thrilled to witness the evolution of our relationship, and we’re closer than ever! My Mum is not just a parent but also my closest confidante and friend. This year, I eagerly anticipate spoiling her with a thoughtful gift she’ll adore and cherishing some quality time together over a delicious lunch. Love you Mumma! X

Kris Dalton(Cellar Door Manager, mum Jean)

Mother's Day can be a poignant time for those who have lost their mums. It's been two years since Mum passed and she has left a profound impact on me. Her lessons continue to be a source of guidance and comfort for all of our family even though she's physically gone. That enduring influence is a testament to the love and bond we shared. This Mother’s Day I will take some time to reflect on the beautiful memories we shared and the wisdom she imparted. I know though she may not be here in person, Mum’s spirit lives on in all of our family. 

Miss you Mum. Love you always Kris x